Category: General

Natural Garden Refresher

Some Food for Thought from Benjamin Vogt: 1) Leaf damage is a good thing. We want to see leaf damage — this shows the plants are being used as nature intended. Caterpillars gotta eat, and caterpillars = butterflies and moths = flowers being pollinated = seed set = more plants to help fill in and […] Continue reading "Natural Garden Refresher"

What to do with all those pots?

After a spring of planting you may have a pile of plastic pots sitting around. You may keep some for potting extra plants to share, but what to do with the rest. The Missouri Botanical Garden no longer has their pot recycling program. BUT, Home Depot does take pots for recycling whether you bought them […] Continue reading "What to do with all those pots?"

Close Enough!

You can never have too much information. Here is a website from nearby Illinois that can be a valuable resource for gardening for pollinators. Continue reading "Close Enough!"

Mushroom Hunting 101 (Virtual)

Saturday, May 27, 1:00 p.m. Mushrooms are a delight for animals and people alike! Explore the realm of the fungi and learn what role they play in our environment. We will explore what it takes to mushroom hunt in Missouri, where you can go and which may be a good addition to your dinner plate. […] Continue reading "Mushroom Hunting 101 (Virtual)"

Happy Moth-ers Day!

A podcast and a book about attracting moths to your garden with native plants. The butterflies get all the press, but don’t forget about the night shift. The book is not available at the St. Charles City-County Library, but can be secured through World Cat. Continue reading "Happy Moth-ers Day!"

Another Plant Swap Coming UP!

Saturday, May 20, 2023 @ 10 a.m. to Noon. 808 Jefferson st, Saint Charles MO 63301 We have plants! Lots of them! We the Midtown gardeners have been growing and winter sowing and planning all year. We want to share native plants with the community and help folks find the right plant for the right […] Continue reading "Another Plant Swap Coming UP!"

O’Fallon Garden Expo, May13, 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.

Check it out, don’t forget to visit our table! More info here. You can pre-order from the Missouri WildFlowers Nursery and from Forest Keeling for delivery on that day. St. Charles WildOnes will also be available with information and native plants. Plan to stop by our booth, or let Donna Horsford ([email protected]) know if you […] Continue reading "O’Fallon Garden Expo, May13, 9 a.m. until 3 p.m."