Category: General

Rabbits a Problem?

Rabbits have not been a problem for our garden, and that may be because the wooded ravine behind us may harbor a fox or coyote that we espy occasionally. However, two blocks away on a HOA common ground that I have worked on clearing honeysuckle out of I notice that the Staghorn Sumac stalks have […] Continue reading "Rabbits a Problem?"

Planning Ahead

The latest Horticulture Magazine has an interesting article, Pot It Up, about planting natives in containers. If you do not have a subscription to this magazine, and are a member of the St. Charles City County Library system, you can read it online through Libby. Continue reading "Planning Ahead"

Some Fall Reading

The latest issue of Horticulture Magazine (November/December 2024) has two articles that you may find interesting. This magazine used to be all about traditional gardening, but native gardening articles have been appearing more often. If you are not a subscriber, and are a member of the St. Charles City County Library system you can read […] Continue reading "Some Fall Reading"