About Us

About Us:
We are one of the four Missouri WildOnes Chapters. We began with an informational meeting on April 4, 2019, and nine members signed up that night. The National WildOnes chartered us on July 19, 2019, when we had our twentieth member. At present we have 65 members and are continuing to grow our membership.

Our Chapter Mission Statement:
To promote the understanding of native plants, their benefits, and what they can provide for the environment both in private as well as public areas of landscaping. To educate members as well as the general public about the need for biodiversity by supplying staples such as water, food, and shelter for wildlife. With habitat loss being the greatest threat to biodiversity in the world, our backyards, neighborhood habitats, and native gardens hold the potential to create critically needed bird and wildlife habitats.

WildOnes depend on membership fees and donations from individuals to carry out our mission to heal the earth one yard at a time. We use these funds to do the work on public lands as well as provide help to non-profit organizations and to educate people on natives and their benefits

Our chapter’s primary goal is to provide opportunities to share information about native Missouri plants. We have monthly Garden Gatherings from April through October and a Winter Speaker Series from November through March.


Committee Chairs

Contact Us:
Please send an email to [email protected] if you have questions about our chapter or its activities.