Wild Ones St. Charles Area Chapter

2024 Community Growth Challenge
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Welcome native plant enthusiasts to one of the newest Missouri Wild Ones chapters!

Encompassing St. Charles county and the surrounding areas, we are happy to join with more than 50 other Wild Ones chapters across the USA in encouraging landscaping with native plants in residential, business and public areas.

Adding native plants to our gardens has become increasingly urgent because more land is being developed for housing, agriculture and commercial uses; leaving little for the butterflies, birds, bees and other wildlife. We, as individual homeowners and renters, can do much with a one yard at a time approach to develop our own native landscapes and provide the plants that wildlife depend on for food, shelter and raising young.

Please join us as we learn the best ways to add important native plants to our yards! If you are a new member, please go to our National Members Only page to check out the current and past journals and to browse the New Member guide.

If you are on Facebook, please join our Wild Ones St. Charles Area page. Ask questions, post photos and share information that will be helpful to those learning to plant native.

Please join us for the adventure!