This and that…..

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It’s been a while since I posted anything here. I am a regular viewer of Native Plants at Noon, a monthly online program from the Anita. B. Gorman Nature Center in Kansas City.

In the resources sent after the last program there are a few tips that dig deeper into the last program:

Removing Bermuda Grass by The Yard Posts – I found this in-depth blog post by California Master Gardener,
Greg Alder who discusses various removal methods. If it’s a small area you’re removing, I would agree that the
fork and pull method is the best option. Big take away – don’t chop it up or the little pieces will re-root.

Brandywine Conservancy has an insightful post about both the non-native invasive Asian mantis and our
native Carolina mantis. Please do not purchase mantis from nurseries they outcompete our native predatory
insects and damaging to native wildlife.

Chelsea Chop – a method of cutting back plants to control the height and encourage more blooms. I like to
refer to this as mimicking herbivory, which some native plants are accustomed to.