New Year, New Landscape Challenge!

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It is almost time! Each year, with the support of the Missouri Prairie Foundation’s Grow Native
program, we award a front yard makeover using plants native to Missouri. The purpose is to
highlight the importance of using native plants, in a way that is both attractive to people, and
beneficial for the area’s wildlife. We are looking for participants who would love to share their
interest in “Connecting people and native plants for a healthy planet”. We provide a garden
plan, designed by our member Jim Stellern, with the input of the recipient; up to $500 worth of
plants, and some labor to install. Winners are required to prepare the site with our guidance
and assist in the installations, maintain the garden, and share it during a future “garden
gathering” of our chapter. The application process will be open January 15th thru February 15th
Installation is in mid- September. More information will be available on our website, and on the
Facebook page for members only, as well as the general public. We invite you to share this with
your friends and family who live in St Charles County and the surrounding areas.
If you are interested in participating on the Landscape Challenge committee, please email Patty
Berry at [email protected]