Landscape Designer Needed!

Posted on | General

January 31, 2021 Deadline

We are on a mission and wondered if you might be able to help us.
Our WildOnes contract at Busch WildLife is for maintenance but we continue to “go over and
beyond “ our responsibilities. Our next big project is planned for this spring and will involve the
total revamping of one of the large oddly shaped plant islands at the back door of the Tom Jim
Blair Regional Office.

The Leadership Team would like to make this island a four season interest island containing na-
tive plants that home-owners might want to incorporate into their yards. Suggestions by the team include a service berry, Golden Groundsel (Packera aurea), Eastern Blazing Star, co-
reopsis, Indian Pink, Royal Catchfly and St. John’s Wort. What ever is used, we need it to below maintenance in the hot sun, surrounded by the concrete parking lot. We anticipate some
shadow from a nearby tree on the right side.

The island is roughly shaped as above with “rounded caps “ on the top two angles. The straight
line on the right runs parallel to the sidewalk. (Our goal is not to have any of the plants leaning
over the sidewalk or over the parking lot, thus calling for low ground cover along the edges.)
The measurements beginning at the top and proceeding to the right are: 22’x24’x12’x13’.
Please let us know if you are interested in submitting a landscape plan for this island. The plans
will be due on Monday, January 31, and the winning plan will be chosen by Sunday, February 13.

We hope to be able to give credit to the designer via signage. (You do not need to be a
WildOnes member to submit a proposal.)