In case you missed it…..
Wild Ones Presents “Weed Ordinances,” a webinar with Rosanne Plante Continue reading "In case you missed it….."
Wild Ones Presents “Weed Ordinances,” a webinar with Rosanne Plante Continue reading "In case you missed it….."
Bloodroots may be past their bloom, but others are coming on. Dutchman’s Breeches are blooming now, Toothwort, Trillium, and Mayappples are emerging. What a great time to walk in the woods! Continue reading "Ephemerals are here!" Continue reading "Powder Valley Native Plant Workshop and Sale April 9th"
I added a new item to the Tips, Tricks and Useful Tools page about honeysuckle removal. If you can identify the bare trunk before it leafs out the work will be easier. Continue reading "Tis the season"
Aina Ferris has devised an iNaturalist “Project” for Wild-Ones St. Charles and Surrounding Areas involving the documentation of the natives in the near vicinity of the Jim Tom Blair Building . If you are a user of iNaturalist and reside in St. Charles, Lincoln or Warren Counties and want to help us in this endeavor, […] Continue reading "We have an INaturalist Project"
Grow Native! Webinar: Intro to Butterflies with Betsy Betros, March 2 4-5 p.m. Continue reading "Tis the Webinar Season"
Register here to join this very interesting virtual webinar on March 7th The book by the same name by Vogt is a very interesting read. The St. Charles City County Library does not have it, but they can get it for you from other libraries. I am thankfurl to Tulsa City-County Library for their loan. Continue reading "A New Garden Ethic by Benjamin Vogt"
A movie of great interest on Netflix is “Kiss The Ground”. Science experts and celebrity activists unpack the ways in which the earth’s soil may be the key to combating climate change and preserving the planet. Continue reading "Need something to watch?"
Naturescaping for You 2022 Presented by Partners for Native Landscaping and The St. Louis County Library. Continue reading "A Webinar Series of Interest"