

Livin’ n’ Learnin’

Several times a week I bike to a nearby park, and stop and munch on an apple while observing the waterfowl on the lake. A couple days ago I noticed these growths on some bare shrubs bordering the lake. To me they looked like seed pods, but after submitting this picture to INaturalist I learned […] Continue reading "Livin’ n’ Learnin’"


Early March is a good time to put out Wren houses even though they will not show up until mid-April. Black-capped Chickadees are early nesters and will use the Wren house to have a brood up and flying before the Wrens arrive. Continue reading "Time?"

Rabbits a Problem?

Rabbits have not been a problem for our garden, and that may be because the wooded ravine behind us may harbor a fox or coyote that we espy occasionally. However, two blocks away on a HOA common ground that I have worked on clearing honeysuckle out of I notice that the Staghorn Sumac stalks have […] Continue reading "Rabbits a Problem?"