Bee Wise!

Posted on | General

Shutterbee surveys wind down at the end of the week, which means it’s time for off-season activities! We are running our virtual bee ID classes again this year. Anyone interested in learning how to tell St. Louis bees apart is invited to join. Whether you are completely new to the game or have some practice under your belt, we would love to have you there!

Additionally, we’d like to open up these courses to others. So please forward along this email to people you know who may be interested in the courses and/or participating in Shutterbee next year. These courses are intended for people over the age of 12 who live in the St. Louis region.

The classes will be held on Mondays: 10/3, 12/5, 1/9 and 2/13 from 6-7PM.

If you’d like to receive information about attending any these courses, please fill out this form by Friday 9/30.