

Landscape Designer Needed!

January 31, 2021 Deadline We are on a mission and wondered if you might be able to help us.Our WildOnes contract at Busch WildLife is for maintenance but we continue to “go over andbeyond “ our responsibilities. Our next big project is planned for this spring and will involve thetotal revamping of one of the […] Continue reading "Landscape Designer Needed!"

Register now for Tending Nature, new webinar series from OSU Bee Lab

A webinar series from Ohio State University of interest to all, “Native Plants and Every Gardener’s Role in Fostering Biodiversity”. This 6-session webinar series will focus on the ecological roles of native plants and some of the creatures that depend on them. We’ll meet virtually at 10AM EASTERN (9AM CST) each Friday for 6 weeks from January […] Continue reading "Register now for Tending Nature, new webinar series from OSU Bee Lab"

Some good news

From Missouri Native Plants Society Facebook Post Maramec Springs Park outside St. James, MO is about to undergo a major transition from a traditional manicured fescue grass park to a 100% native planting park. This is excellent news. Over the past two years they have disked and seeded much of the park with soybean to […] Continue reading "Some good news"

St. Louis Open Yards

A program of interest to us Wild Ones St. Louis Open Yards A Native Landscaping Program  A program for native landscape “open houses” across the St. Louis region from spring through fall. First openings planned for spring 2022.  Each landscape host decides exactly when their yard is open…a single day, every weekend in April, daily […] Continue reading "St. Louis Open Yards"